I don't believe in Karma. It requires I think there is some controlling force out there making decisions and I've never seen evidence of any type of external spiritual anything. That said, I'm not immune to a little superstition now and then. Though, I think superstition is more about convincing yourself of something then it is appeasing an angry spirit.
Two days before I busted my leg, I was being a smart ass with one of my work colleagues, who is herself a serious marathoner. I was making snide remarks about lazy elevator riders.
I work in a corporate 5-story building. The staircase is directly adjacent to the elevator, the door is big and always wide open and everyone must walk past the stair case to get to the elevator. It's always been amazing to me to watch how many people take the elevator just one floor. So, with my work buddy, I was being a jerk and insulting the "lazy" people I work with. Two days later, I was exclusively taking elevators.
Should I see karma in this? Maybe so. Though now, as I relearn to take the stairs, I'm back to glaring of people. This is probably just evidence of my core selfishness, and maybe evidence that I'm a slow learner.
This morning, I walked down a flight of stairs to get coffee. A co-worker, who sits right next to me, took the elevator down. We got there at exactly the same time and all I could think was, this person is a big sack of lazy.
If I only think insulting thoughts and never say them out loud, will Karma leave me alone?