Monday, December 29, 2008


This is a good idea. Spent an hour today at the gym stretching and posing in a yoga class. Got a workout, built strength and flexibility. Going to make a habit of this.


Oh man, maybe an hour on the trainer was a bit much. How much Aleve is okay to take before your liver shuts down?

Sunday, December 28, 2008

21 Days

21 Days since and feeling better each day...still. The last couple days have been walk and focus on not limping. Strange but I'm retraining my leg to walk normal. Did an hour on the trainer today too. It's less then fluid to get on and off the bike but once on the spinning motion is painless and I can get a nice workout on, which is good 'cause the left leg is visibly much smaller already then the right one.
Focused on being outdoors by mid-February and still thinking that is going to happen.
It really depends on stability more then anything.

Friday, December 26, 2008


I've of course known about this Facebook thing for a long time but it sounds so superficial and like a giant time the same time I'm intregiued by being able to communicate, load photos and links I'm interested in. or

Can't really be both.

Would I write different things? Facebook has a crap load of folks on it and will that just be a burden or a cool feature? I suspect I'm thinking about it too much.

We'll see where this facebook thing goes and come back later.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Doc: you're healed

Went to the bone doc yesterday for the two week follow up. Got xray'd, which makes about a dozen time my balls have been irradiated. Bone Doc says that I'm basically healed...that with that hardware in my leg, "it is much stronger then it ever was before and will not break.". So, my only limitation really is soreness, stiffness and weakness. And those are tackled with exercise.
I put the cane away. I limp a bit but now walk.
My plan to be on the bike by mid-February (2 months post wreck) now seem conservative. Amazing. Got to love science.
I wonder what my situation would be if this had happened 50 years ago. Probably life long problems. As it is, looks like all I'm going to miss is some winter riding...and the Ouichita Challenge.
I can live with that.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

old habits are good habits

Just realized that I'm still in the habit of taking stairs.  I just
walked to the staircase unconsciously.  That's nice to know.  Got to
get this leg working better quick before my unconscious habits change.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Zero pain med's today

And walking with and with out a cain.
Not exactly fluid motion but it works for today.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Four days later

Home from the hospital for 24 hours and took the bandages off. This is my first real look at my hip. I'm told the rod was inserted from the lower incision after the Doc burrowed our the middle of my femur. The little bandage covers a small cut.
Bruising was gone three days later.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Gentlemen, we can rebuild him.

Do I need a better reason to start a blog then this?